Take action now to end the violence against people with albinism!
What you can do to help?
The Salif Keita Global Foundation Inc. is dedicated to improving the lives of people with albinism in Africa and around the world. You can help us in achieving our goals by taking action too! Write to the United Nations Human Rights Council and the Tanzania Embassy and voice your support for people with albinism!
We are accepting donations (checks, money orders, sunscreens, sunglasses, protective clothing) to help people with albinism. Thanks for your generosity!
Please send donations to:
The Salif Keita Global Foundation Inc.
c/o Donations
6900 Wisconsin Avenue Unit 30306
Bethesda MD 20815
Wire donations (US and International Currencies)
Guest Book
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Take Action Today!
People with albinism need your help. Will you take a few minutes out of your day and help them? You can write to the United Nations Human Rights Security Council and the Consulate of Tanzania and tell them that the lives of people with albinism matter and to END THE VIOLENCE AGAINST PEOPLE WITH ALBINISM NOW!
Here are a couple of addresses you can write to. Thank you for your kind support of innocent people with albinism!
Postal addresses:
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland